Tele-rehabilitation – The New Way Forward

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Tele-rehabilitation or virtual physiotherapy refers to the provision of physiotherapy services via the internet with the use of a smart phone, iPad, laptop or commuter.

It allows patients to get expert advice from the comfort of their own home.


Covid 19 has brought virtual physiotherapy to the forefront as many clinics closed their doors to all but emergency patients. It has allowed therapists to continue to provide care for their patients while keeping to the stay at home orders and being socially distanced.

It is also appropriate to choose virtual physiotherapy when you need access to a clinician who has specialized experience and who is not physically accessible to you because of their location.


With video tele-rehabilitation appointments we can:

  • Take a complete history to provide an accurate diagnosis

  • Examine range of motion and movements

  • Perform a functional movement examination

  • Evaluate strength

  • Prescribe exercises and stretches – with supporting photos/videos

  • Correct exercise form and provide cues to perform them more effectively

  • Provide and refine self joint mobilization techniques

  • Provide and refine self directed soft tissue treatment techniques

  • Provide a full rehab plan to follow in your own environment

  • Educate patients on their injury or condition

  • Help train another person to assist you with exercises or stretches

What does a Virtual Physiotherapy Session Look Like?

Your first session will consist of a thorough assessment and treatment, just as if you were in the clinic. I will ask you questions about your medical history, your current complaint and your goals for treatment. After that I will take a look at your range of motion, strength and mobility. Together we will develop a plan for you to reach your goals and I will keep you accountable on your journey. It is amazing what is possible virtually.

What do I need to Prepare for a Virtual Physiotherapy Session?

For your virtual session, you will need to connect your device (computer, tablet or smart phone) to the internet and have camera and audio capabilities. If this is your first appointment with me, you may also have some intake forms to complete.

Wear workout clothing so that you can move around comfortably. Find an area in your house where you have enough space to do exercises on the floor, sitting in a chair, standing or up against a wall. If you have any equipment (stability ball, weights, foam rollers, lacrosse or tennis balls, etc) have them handy.

suzie foreman