“I am a Professional Firefighter and avid outdoors adventurer. Suzie and I met when I was seeking help to resolve a chronic neck and back issue that was causing pain and headaches. She treated me through Orthopedic Physiotherapy including Manual Manipulation and IMS Gunn. Suzie Foreman provides a well-balanced and realistic Physiotherapy plan, which works for me. I have made a commitment to be my physical best for the community I serve and Suzie plays a key position on my health care team.”
— Jesse Northcott
“Suzie introduced Gunn IMS treatment to me for the first time 2 years ago - which has been a life changer! I had been suffering from terrible migraines since the age of 12, at least 4x a month. I’ve seen doctors, neurologists, chiropractors, naturopaths...you know name it and nothing had helped. Once I had started my IMS sessions with Suzie, my migraines had reduced to 1x a month, which eventually turned into headaches and then almost non-existent! She is the first clinician I’ve worked with that has had an impact on helping with my migraines.”
— Rukia Noor
“I enrolled in this Zoom class because I was hoping it would alleviate some of the pain and discomfort because of osteoarthritis in my knees, which was reducing my mobility and quality of life. I was amazed to receive such great instruction on Zoom; in fact, the instruction was better than the in-person exercise classes I’ve taken. Surprisingly, the Zoom class was also a lot more fun than I’d anticipated. I’m pleased to say that, as a result of taking the class twice a week for 7 weeks, my knee pain, which used to flare up after going for a one-hour trail walk went from 7/10 to 2/10. I can also now climb up and down stairs with much greater ease. Since the class ended, I’ve continued the one-hour program twice a week. Following this regimen has been immensely beneficial, decreasing my knee pain, improving my mobility, and giving me a much-improved quality of life. I strongly recommend this program.”
— C. Shearing
“During COVID lockdown, my right knee started acting up. I’ve had knee problems all my life after skating competitively when I was young so I’m no stranger to knee pain, but this pain was new and more debilitating than usual. Suzie diagnosed the problem over Zoom and put together a program – a mixture of stretching and strengthening – and voila, four weeks later and the pain is gone. Suzie knows her stuff and I highly recommend her.”
— Janice Duncan
“I had a total knee replacement immediately prior to the shut down of the medical services because of Covid 19. I needed post-operative care but only got a few sessions.
Five months later, I was still experiencing lots of knee pain, weak muscles and reduced flexion. Suzie Foreman contacted me and suggested I follow her and Andre Gordon’s online Joint Pain Relief Program. Being somewhat desperate I agreed and I am glad I did.
Suzie is a very knowledgeable physiotherapist and Andre is an enthusiastic personal trainer - an excellent combination for this program.
Suzie explained the program and did the evaluations making helpful suggestions along the way to further help me reduce my pain and strengthen my core. Andre motivated me, slowly increased the difficulty of the exercises and monitored my progress. My pain decreased and my strength increased significantly over time.
Thank you Suzie and Andre for helping me improve the quality of my life!”