Posts tagged ageing
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Have you felt a weird numbness or tingling in one hand when you wake? The first couple of times you woke up like this you probably assumed that you’d somehow slept on it and ignored the pins and needles. But then it kept happening. Then it started affecting your dexterity. Perhaps you’re surprised at just how much numb fingers impact your life. So, you’ve googled it. And here’s the likely answer; you are probably suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. That might sound a bit scary, but don’t worry - it’s common and treatable, and the physiotherapists here at the clinic are here to help.

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Physio for the Elderly

You’ve probably visited the physiotherapist after injuries and been referred before or after surgeries for rehabilitation. But as we age, perhaps we should consider going to the physiotherapist as more of a routine health check. You go to the dentist even when there’s nothing wrong. Why? Because you know that prevention is better than cure. Maintaining your balance and mobility as you age is an investment in your prolonged good health and independence!

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